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Affiliate Disclosure & Editorial Content Policies

At Defiant Phoenix, our goal is to help freelancers and entrepreneurs to start, maintain, and nurture a thriving business on Fiverr and beyond.

A part of how we do this is by recommending various tools, courses, programs, and other things that may help you on your freelancing Fiverr journey. Below, you can read our full affiliate disclosure and find out more about our editorial processes and how we may be compensated for our work.

How Affiliate Links Work

When Defiant Phoenix recommends a product or service, we will link to the company’s website using an affiliate link. These are referral links. That simply means the company who we link to will give us a small commission to say “thanks!” if you end up buying a product or service from that company.

Commissions paid by companies come in all shapes and sizes. It might be a few dollars, or it might be a lot more. It might be a one-off commission, or it may be a recurring commission. 

Whatever type of commission it is, it won’t cost you a cent, because that commission comes out of the pockets of the company.

Defiant Phoenix only reviews and recommends products that we have used, or which come highly recommended by trusted peers. All the products we highlight are recommended because of their high quality and the overall reputation of companies we partner with.

You should assume that every time we link to a third-party product, we may get a small commission. If you ever want to know how much commission Defiant Phoenix could potentially get, carry out a Google search: “company affiliate program”.

Amazon Associates & Other Programs

As an Amazon Associate, Defiant Phoenix may earn commission from qualifying purchases from the Amazon marketplaces.

If you choose to purchase through links on the Defiant Phoenix website, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

Product Recommendations And Reviews

Our recommendations are based on thorough research and, in some cases, personal experience. However, our views can only be subjective. A product that works well for us may not necessarily meet your specific freelancing or business needs.

We encourage you to carry out due diligence with your own research so you can make a final, informed purchase. This includes verifying product claims, statistics, quotes, or other statements made about a product or service that we endorse.

Where a free trial is available, you can also test a recommended product before making a final decision. Just make sure to cancel before the trial expires if you decide that the product is not for you in the end!

Defiant Phoenix adheres to all legal standards and regulations regarding affiliate marketing. Our affiliate relationships are in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) guidelines.

Editorial Content Policy

Our content may contain advertisements, sponsored content, affiliate links, or other types of monetization. In cases where we have been compensated for the content provided, you will see a disclosure.

Our content may include affiliate links, but please be assured that these do not influence our editorial integrity. The views and opinions expressed on Defiant Phoenix are our own. Our primary goal is to provide valuable, accurate, and helpful Fiverr and freelancing advice.

Defiant Phoenix’s primary aim is to find the best solutions for readers who visit our site. That might be how to make the perfect gig image, it might be learning how to contact a Fiverr seller, or it may be getting advice on whether Fiverr is the right platform for you among many other topics.

Above all, our team is dedicated to providing useful, accurate, and practical information. We believe that solving problems and easing challenges is the key to making everything else fall into place. That’s why we do our best to keep our stories updated with links to top brands. Where possible, we also link to to scientific research and government sites that provide additional information from trusted sources.

We commit hours of research, writing, editing, and fact-checking into putting out the best possible articles and will always listen to readers who have ideas for how we can do better.

Updates And Contact Information

This disclaimer was last updated in February 2024. We periodically review and update this page to ensure its accuracy and compliance. For any inquiries or further clarification about our Affiliate Disclaimer, please contact us by emailing

Defiant Phoenix empowers Fiverr users with expert strategies, insider insights, and profile optimization mastery to forge a flourishing freelance future. 🚀💼✨
Defiant Phoenix is reader-supported. If you purchase through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

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