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fiverr message templates for seo experts

10 Approved Fiverr Message Templates for SEO Experts

February 15, 2024

Sellers who can deliver exceptional service along with exceptional deliveries will thrive on Fiverr. One way to set yourself apart is with clear communication focusing on repeat conversions with your happiest clients. If you’re in the SEO game, you’re in luck: here is a complete funnel of Fiverr message templates for SEO experts! While you’re here, why not learn how to optimize your Fiverr gig image for SEO, too?

Key Takeaways

  • Effective communication with clients, especially those who may not fully understand their orders, can add significant value to your services on platforms like Fiverr.
  • Personalization and transparency are key elements in building trust and long-term client relationships. Tailor your communication to the specific needs and preferences of each client.
  • The use of Calendly and Loom tools is recommended in some templates, but make sure you return to the Fiverr platform after using these tools to avoid violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service.
  • Avoid sending identical messages to multiple clients in a short time frame to prevent triggering Fiverr’s spam filter. Personalize each template and space out your messages.
  • Get to know your client’s personality, working style, and goals.
  • The article suggests three methods to turn first-time buyers into long-term clients, including offering free follow-up consultations, pitching next steps, and engaging in long-term follow-up.
  • While templates are provided, adapt them to your own tone, voice, and brand messaging to avoid sounding generic or repetitive.
  • Handle unhappy clients with grace or try to resolve issues rather than offering additional services (or cancellation) immediately.
  • Client feedback and reviews should be handled with care. Sellers should avoid asking for positive feedback, as it violates Fiverr’s Terms of Service.

These Fiverr Message Templates for SEO Experts Are Only a Launchpad

fiverr message templates for seo experts save time

Communicating with clients, especially those who don’t seem to understand what they have ordered, can be a huge chore, eating into your time and occasionally draining you of what little sanity you have left!

However, taking the time to do this is a simple way to add huge value to your basic service.

A lot of sellers either don’t do this, or do it poorly. The templates below are a guide to an effective funnel, but with a caveat: your buyer should always be happy with your services at every point.

If at any point a buyer shows unhappiness with the service (and are not obviously trying to get free work) then you need to reassure and rework to bring them back on-team.

Sometimes, all that is missing is a little education. As you go through these messages, you’ll notice how much emphasis is on education. This is a HUGE clue from Fiverr about what it wants to see from its sellers.

SEO is, after all, a complicated beast. Even SEO experts are, at best, working on educated guesses and whatever Google decides will work this month (please, let’s not talk about the nightmare that was the HCU…)!

Just explaining these things can help to turn “difficult” clients into your best clients. Sometimes, all they needed was a little TLC.

Good clients always respect honesty and transparency over the endless trill of satisfaction guarantees. They want reassurance they are working with someone who knows what they are doing and who will be there if things go wrong.

But you can only provide this level of service and trust-building if you stop and take the time to listen to them and help. You can’t do that if you’re just blindly using these (or any other) Fiverr message templates for SEO experts strategy!

Many sellers don’t, and their loss can be your gain.

Smart people will consider the sound marketing and sales strategy that lies behind these Fiverr message templates for SEO experts and make changes personalized around their customers. Ideally, they should always be reworking around what buyers are telling them.

If you feel like you don’t charge enough to use these Fiverr message templates to their fullest, put your price up. It is extra work, after all! But templates and creating an SOP (Standard Operating Process) behind the templates can make this a very efficient part of your overall approach to Fiverr.

These templates will give you a great idea of how to create your own set of quick responses so you can start. Since they’re provided by Fiverr, they all have the Fiverr stamp of approval, too.

Do you need to be an SEO seller to take advantage of these Fiverr SEO message templates? No. Simply adapt to your own industry, making changes that fit for your niche and client needs.

A Quick Note on These Fiverr Message Templates for SEO Experts

fiverr message templates for SEO experts forum post screenshot from fiverr staff

These templates are not mine – they come from the Fiverr Forum, where they were shared in a post by Fiverr staff. They are duplicated here with some minor corrections for posterity (since the forum is hellish to explore for past posts).

But wait! There’s more!

  • Extra guidance on how to use each template to optimize your results
  • Double-checks with Fiverr CS already done so you know everything’s legit
  • Advice on how to avoid getting put in Fiverr spam jail (you don’t want this)

I’m going to make it as easy as possible for you to use these templates like a Pro Verified seller would.

How to Format These Fiverr Message Templates

format these fiverr message templates for seo experts before using them

While you can copy-paste these into Fiverr’s Quick Responses, be careful of the formatting. Adjust the following placeholders/links to fit your strategy:

{username}Will be converted to your buyer’s username. Consider changing to a buyer’s real name if you know it.
[TEXT LIKE THIS]Should be altered with the relevant information, like your name or details you want to share
HyperlinksHyperlinks cannot be used in the Fiverr inbox or messaging system. You will need to add the link separately.Do not use affiliate links (TOS violation)!

Are These Fiverr Message Templates for SEO Experts Safe to Use?

Yes – they’re from Fiverr. But you don’t need to take a random Fiverr user’s word for it!

fiverr message templates for seo experts

In some of the messages provided, the use of Calendly and Loom is recommended. These fly a little bit too close to the sun for me as potentially breaking Fiverr’s Terms of Service (TOS), so I contacted Fiverr Customer Support to make sure everything was OK. I’m very cautious about these things…

As you can see, customer support stressed that using these tools is fine so long as both users return to Fiverr after and do not use the tools to pull people off the platform.

What About Fiverr’s Spam Filter?

fiverr message templates for seo experts no spam

Good question. Fiverr can be very sensitive about users who send even a modest amount of identical messages out to multiple other users. Some buyers who send multiple messages to sellers about one job have been banned for this behavior!

The best way to handle this is to be, well, non-spammy:

  • Personalize every template to the seller and add your own touch to them as well as the details of the job
  • Don’t send out multiple messages in a short time frame. Wait a while and send them out. Try to mimic “normal behavior” where possible

What is normal behavior?

Well, there’s no good answer to that – I might as well ask you how long a piece of string is!

Just try to avoid looking like you’re sending out bulk messages to multiple users at once. If you have a lot of buyers, this will be tedious, since Fiverr doesn’t offer any scheduled messaging feature. But you know, maybe one day – and probably only to Seller Plus members!

Remember, the key to using these Fiverr message templates for SEO experts successfully is to personalize and adapt. Take your time and focus on quality over quantity.

Initial Contact Reply When Out of Office

fiverr message templates for seo experts lego art

You can use this as an auto reply, but remember that auto replies do not help you maintain or improve your inbox response rate or inbox response time. Follow up within 24 hours of the BUYER’S first contact!

Personally, I just use Quick Responses. It’s a few extra taps, but it keeps my inbox response rate and inbox response time high. And no, I don’t get up at 3:00AM to do this! I do it after I wake up and start work for the day.

Hello {username}!

My name is [NAME]. I’m excited for the opportunity to help you achieve your SEO goals. I am an experienced SEO specialist, passionate about optimizing online presence and boosting traffic to websites.

In case this is your first time hiring a freelancer for SEO, here are a few educational resources to learn more about my work and how it can impact your online presence:

  1. Beginner’s Guide to SEO by Moz – this is a comprehensive SEO guide to help you understand the fundamental concepts and strategies involved in optimizing your website.
  2. Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide – Google’s official SEO starter guide offering valuable insights into best optimization practices and techniques.

I look forward to discussing how we can tailored our SEO strategy to meet your goals effectively! I have three package types, which you can check out in this video to decide which suits you best. Feel free to get started by sharing any information relevant to your business with me here.

Please note that I usually work [X-X, UTC-X] and will likely respond during this window


NOTE: The final line is not always necessary. However, it does set clear expectations to the buyer about when you will and will not communicate with them. If you don’t work weekends, add this information as well.

Answer First Messages Automatically

fiverr message templates for SEO experts first contact

If you want to respond to a buyer’s first message without an automatic response (or when you’re finally back in the office), the following template is a good choice. This template is about making a great first impression and pushing potential buyers to finalize their order with you.

The key? Transparency and setting expectations early on. As a freelancer, it’s super important to take control early on and set a professional tone.

Hello {username}!

Your SEO journey is starting and I’m excited to help it succeed.

Once we’ve agreed on terms and your order is placed, I’ll get started right away with running a full audit of your website for a deeper understanding of its current status and performance. Let’s start by scheduling an online meeting to set your expectations.

It usually takes me [X-X] to complete and submit my best results. Please be mindful that due to Google’s frequent updates, outcomes may vary. It’s best to gather all the information necessary before starting. After starting, changes may incur an additional fee and/or affect the deadline.

Once done, I’ll provide a detailed report of the entire process. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want to discuss further. I am here to assist you every step of the way.


How to Message Fiverr Buyers After They Make an Order

fiverr message templates for seo experts thank you for your order

Secured the order? Now’s the time to reassure them that they made the best possible decision. You could just say “thanks for your order, I’ll start working on it,” but that’s what a lot of sellers do.

It’s also a bit boring.

Instead, now is the time to make sure that the customer is reassured that they’re in good hands. Walk them through what you do and set expectations.

You should also show off your SEO knowledge here. You’re in a complicated industry and everyone has different ideas about how it works. Some of your buyers will have no real understanding of it.

Take the time here to explain things. Remember, you’re building a relationship, not just delivering a service. Building good relationships is the key to repeat buyers and ongoing success on Fiverr, not copy-pasting these sweet Fiverr message templates for SEO experts!

Hello {username}!

Thank you for your order! It is in my Fiverr queue now and will be delivered as soon as possible.

What to expect?

With backlinks strategically placed in niche-related blogs, my use of current SEO best practice will improve your site’s credibility over time.

Patience is key, as SEO results take time.

I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your specific business needs. Please let me know a convenient time for you so that I can arrange a virtual meeting.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask me anything.


Check-In and Progress Report Message

fiverr message templates for seo experts update with a progress report

You’d be surprised how many Fiverr sellers thank buyers for their order and then never speak to them again until the order is ready for delivery.

That’s understandable, especially if you have a heavy workload and feel like you don’t have anything to say.

Still, taking a couple of moments to reassure can make a huge difference. So many Fiverr buyers complain of a lack of communication that one or even two small update messages can calm the nerves of flighty buyers.

Remember to be responsive as well. Your goal here is to build a relationship and a personal connection for repeat business and referrals.

Fiverr staff recommend using this template message about halfway through the order, but really, any time you hit a good milestone or success is good.

Hello {username}!

I’d like to share an update on my progress and give you the opportunity to review your order and make sure your expectations are met before my delivery. So far, I have:


Within X days, I will deliver your order. Please don’t hesitate to ask any further questions.


The ultimate Final Delivery Fiverr Template Message for SEO Experts

fiverr message templates for seo experts delivery and thanks

Here’s where you explain your work and demonstrate your results. Ideally, you want to be able to “show and tell”. Not all of your buyers will be interested in this and just want the file and move on forever.

And that’s OK. Let them go. They may come back, they may not. If you’re not “feeling it” with them, they probably aren’t feeling it either.

After delivery, you need to use your gut feeling to judge on outreach. You should always reach out to happy clients and leave the ones who didn’t feel amazed alone. The last thing you want is to annoy them.

There will always be more buyers. Just keep building your reputation and business.

For the buyers who are interested – people you feel great about working with, this is a good way to build your relationship with them. Don’t squander this chance with a simple “here are your files!” message.

Instead, take the time to tell them exactly what they have. If you’re feeling fancy, then using Loom to make a video showing off your delivery is a great way to stand out from the tens of thousands of sellers who don’t. It shows a real dedication to a great service that buyers notice and remember you.

Hello {username}!

I’m excited to share that your order is complete. I appreciate your patience and valuable guidance during this project. You can watch an overview of my work in this video: [LINK]

The video explains the following:

  1. Overview of SEO
  2. Backlinks – increasing your visibility on the internet by getting other sites to link to you
  3. Keyword research – whatever people search for, we’ll make a page for it
  4. On-page SEO – adding keywords to specific parts of our pages that Google prioritizes, along with creating SEO-friendly content – 20 pages.

The related files are available for download:

  1. A .ZIP file (“”) with all created backlinks
  2. A PDF outlining our process
  3. Another PDF with valuable on-page SEO tips

I hope this has been detailed and transparent. Should you have any questions or additional modifications/requirements, please let me know via Fiverr chat. Additionally, I would appreciate feedback about your experience as it is vital to helping me improve my service.

Feel free to reach out any time if I can further support your success.


NOTE: Never ask for positive feedback: this violates Fiverr’s TOS. You should also think twice about asking buyers who aren’t 100% thrilled about you and your work for feedback. You may get a review, just not the review you wanted… ?

Get More Referrals (Optional)

fiverr message templates for seo experts cash shower

If everything is looking wonderful, you might want to follow-up in a day or two with the following message.

Hello {username}!

It was a pleasure working with you. If you, or anyone else you know, would benefit from my help with future projects, please don’t hesitate to reach out or refer me.


Promote Your Other Services (Optional)

fiverr message templates for seo experts

Alternatively, you might like to try the promotional angle. This is best used when you identify a real use-case for further services. Don’t just fling a random service at them. Choose services that they will benefit from and explain how you can help, ideally using data you already have to demonstrate what you can do for them.

You can also include a referral message here if you like, but take care not to be overly spammy. Remember: your relationship is more important than the sale.

Hello {username}!

It was a pleasure working with you and I hope you won’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help with future projects. I also have a gig for [DETAILS] that you may find useful.

With a better understanding of your business, I am also happy to offer you a discounted price as a returning customer. I value long-term relationships and I am happy to support your success.


Fiverr Pro Tips: How to Turn First Buyers Into Long Term Clients

fiverr message templates for seo experts get good reviews

Fiverr’s algorithm is notoriously fickle, which means repeat buyers who come back again and again are vital for long-term success on the platform. It is their business that brings in money when the algorithm doesn’t work in your favor.

So, the obvious question is how do I do that?

You can dangle financial incentives like discounts in front of them, but the real secret sauce is building a personal connection. That’s not something that these Fiverr message templates for SEO experts can do for you! It’s something you need to work towards:

  • Get to know the personality of your buyer and their preferred working style
  • Understand their SEO goals and the challenges that they struggle with

These two tips help you to nurture a relationship and build trust. You want buyers to remember you as someone who is a trusted partner, not just another SEO expert on Fiverr.

This approach is particularly effective with small businesses, many of whom are passionate and fully invested in their business. If you show them your dedication and passion, they’ll remember you.

Below are three ways you can show your dedication and passion.

Method 1: Free Follow-Up Consultation

fiverr template message for seo experts method 1

Everyone loves freebies, and a free expert consultation after a short while is a great way to add huge value to your service. Executing this is easy: share a Calendly link with your buyer and set up the consultation.

Hello {username}!

I enjoyed our collaboration on this project and appreciate your passion for your work. I would be happy to schedule a consultation this week – it’s free! – to discuss the improvements I made and how they might impact your results.

If you like, we can also explore other ways I can assist you further.


Method 2: Pitch Next Steps

fiverr template message for seo experts method 2

Feeling bold? This is a daring step, but one that can pay dividends if you’ve got a great rapport with your buyers, you can see that your results are delivering significant value, and your client is likely to agree.

After all, you’ve already shown them that you deliver results.

Hello {username}!

Now that I know your website a little bit better, I was thinking about optimizing:


Let me know what you think – I’m here to help!


Method 3: Long-Term Follow-Up

fiverr template message for seo experts method 3

This can be a good way to drum up business in lean times. It’s best used if you already know how your work has impacted the website and can anticipate a positive response:

Hello {username},

How are you? It’s been a while now and I was curious to hear about how our work has affected your website performance. We worked on:


I would love to know if and how my contributions have impacted your results and explore other ways I can assist you further.


Wrap-Up: Use These Fiverr Message Templates for SEO Experts Wisely!

fiverr message templates for sellers article conclusion

These templates are all about being attentive to buyer’s needs and personalizing a service around them. It’s a little more work, but puts you ahead of sellers who simply do the work and deliver. Check-ins after work is completed can be really effective, since so few sellers make use of them.

However, be mindful of Fiverr’s spam filters. Don’t send these messages to multiple clients at once and always adapt them slightly. A template should just be a starting point, giving you something to develop and make your own powerful marketing and sales tool.

Since these Fiverr message templates for SEO experts are available publicly and shared across the internet, rewriting them to fit your own tone, voice, and brand messaging is important. You don’t want to be the 10th “SEO guy” to send the exact same message to the same buyer!

It’s also worth remembering that some clients will just not respond. Always be strategic. If a buyer wasn’t thrilled with your original delivery, don’t start offering them extra services. Sit down and try to fix the issues with the first.

And always remember that you can’t please everyone. If a buyer really is proving to be a lost cause, let them go with good grace. If you’re worried about a bad review, don’t be – learn how to turn unhappy buyers and bad reviews to your advantage instead!

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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