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How to Promote Fiverr Gigs on Twitter (X)

June 6, 2024

Should you promote Fiverr gigs on Twitter (now called X), or would your time, money, and effort be better spent on another social media platform? For most sellers, Twitter is a solid choice for marketing that isn’t too demanding.

Twitter is one of the oldest social media platforms out there and also one of the most controversial, especially in recent years. But is it any good for promoting your Fiverr gigs? If you’re prepared to do a little work and make a small monthly investment, then yes, it can be.

In this article, I’ll show you the best way to promote Fiverr gigs on Twitter:

  • Post strategically to build your reputation as an authority
  • Make use of automation to handle part of your workload
  • Focus on offering value with only 20% promotion
  • Consider purchasing X Premium for visibility boosting
  • Get noticed by joining trending conversations with influencers

Start with a New Professional Account

If you already have a personal account, log out and create a new Twitter (X) account. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a professional account or a personal one; it just needs to be a fresh one that is 100% focused on your niche.

You want the Twitter algorithm to recognize that you’re part of a specific community so that it shows your content to people who are interested in what you do. Focusing on your niche means that your posts will be shown to people who are also interested in what you do.

The basic Twitter marketing strategy for Fiverr gigs is a simple one: position yourself as an expert in your niche who tweets tips, tricks, and other helpful advice for your target market.

This should be around 80% of your content, with the remaining 20% being self-promotional.

Following and Followers Are Important for Growth

promote fiverr gigs on twitter to a targeted audience for best results

Twitter can feel like a mess at first: there’s no focus, just a disjointed conversation. Spend some time looking for people in your niche and getting to know them.

  • Follow the “big names” (influencers) in your niche with lots of followers
  • Follow influencers’ active followers to build a niche-specific audience and timeline

This should be the first thing you do when you join Twitter. Some people you follow will follow you back, others won’t. Don’t worry about this for now. Just focus on getting involved in conversations and interacting with people. Ultimately, you want to build a name for yourself and start building relationships.

Personally, I would until 1,000 to 2,000 followers before I started any type of monetization strategy – but if you see an opportunity to share your Fiverr gig with someone who needs help, don’t be afraid to do it. This part of any social media journey is hardest and most unrewarding part. You should go into this expecting slow growth and be ready to push through the days when you feel like giving up.

How Many Posts Is Best for Growing Fast on Twitter?

Twitter has a much higher tolerance for multiple posts a day than other social media networks – and since it isn’t as visual as many other networks, it’s a lot easier to post more. One good thing about Twitter is that not all of your content has to be a “post” – responses and replies also count.

The following is a sound strategy:

  • Post up to 15 times a day
  • Aim for 3 – 5 “posts”
  • Aim for 10+ replies and responses

Focus on growing your network! Try to make all of your content high quality, especially when you respond or reply. Don’t just agree with the original poster – add something new to the conversation. You should also try to focus on responding to larger accounts in your niche. If they like your post and follow you, there’s a good chance their followers will notice and also follow you. Spread your comments out across multiple larger accounts to get the best results.

This strategy is a simple one that focuses on growth by posting where your content is more likely to make an impact and be seen. At the same time, posting good content on your timeline means you’re slowly growing your own value.

If this all sounds like a lot, don’t overthink it. Twitter is a fast-moving platform where content pretty much dies after 24 hours. Treat this like the platform it is: a never-ending conversation.

Make Twitter Work for You with Strategic Reposting

promoting fiverr gigs on twitter requires strategy - think chess, not checkers!

Because Twitter moves so fast, reposting works really well on this platform. Here’s a simple reposting strategy you can use:

  • Post content in the morning
  • Repost it in the evening

I told you it was simple!

This Twitter reposting strategy is effective because the Twitter algorithm is generally pretty good at not showing people a post they’ve already seen for a second time. It may feel like you’re spamming (and you would be on another platform), but you’re simply giving an old post new life in its mayfly-like lifetime span by giving it visibility to a new audience who didn’t catch it earlier.

One word of warning: this is best used with your most useful content. Save the promotional content for another time.

One other thing you can do is can pin your Fiverr gig to the top of your Twitter profile page. This is an easy way to promote your gig without having to post it everywhere: all you need to do is get people interested enough in you to follow you and look at your profile page. This way, you’re not being overly promotional, but your Fiverr gig is at the front and center of all your hard work by being at the top of your profile.

Avoid “Engagement Groups” or “Promotion Rings”

Engagement groups and promotion rings are against Twitter’s rules.

That’s all you really need to know here. Another thing to consider is that these rings rarely deliver real results. Sure, you might make a couple of sales here and there, but for long-term, sustainable success, this is a dead end.

Still not convinced?

Remember that you’re trying to build relationships with people in your niche by sharing useful content and engaging in conversation. The last thing you want to undo is all this time and effort by getting banned for breaking X’s Terms of Service.

Share your gig when it is appropriate and people are likely to be interested in it – not with a ring of self-promoters who will almost certainly slip up, make mistakes, and put your account at risk.

Avoid Twitter’s Paid Ads – They’re Terrible

Twitter’s paid ads are cheap, but they’re only really good for clicks and leads – and X has a big bot problem. Between the bots and accidental clicks, it may not be the best choice if you’re looking for a platform to advertise your Fiverr gigs on.

In most cases, I don’t recommend using paid ads on Twitter when you can get much better results using Facebook Ads. Remember, many people and advertisers have left Twitter since Elon Musk’s controversial purchase and the renaming of the platform to X. Those advertisers would not have left Twitter’s paid ads if they were getting great ROI, no matter what they claim.

Join them and take your social media advertising budget to places where you will get better results.

Make the Investment in Twitter Blue (X Premium)

Example of a Premium X blue tick (blue checkmark) from Elon Musk's Twitter profile

The blue tick (Twitter Blue) – now called X Premiumused to be free and only given to “notable” accounts – but when Elon Musk bought the place and turned it into X, the blue ticks became a paid feature.

I’m not going to go into whether that was a good or bad thing, but it does mean that you can now buy “credibility” in a click. More importantly, you buy algorithmic favor. If you’re trying to grow, then X Premium is a great investment. You have three options:

  • X Premium Basic
  • X Premium
  • X Premium+

Here’s a list of what you get for each tier and the pricing for each tier as of June 2024:

X Premium Basic X Premium X Premium+
Editing posts
Longer posts
Longer videos
Reply priority
Folder bookmarking
Custom app icons
All basic features, plus
Blue tick
Reduced ads
Apply for ad revenue share
Creator subscriptions
ID verification
Media studio
Access to Grok
All other features, plus
No ads
Highest reply priority
$3/month or $32/year$8/month or $84/year$16/month or $168/year

Since you want to get the blue tick, you should opt for X Premium to promote your Fiverr gigs. Premium members of Twitter/X get more traffic, which means faster growth and more visibility, both for your Twitter account and more potential buyers for your gigs.

It also helps you stand out as a professional. Yes, everyone will know you purchased it, but that also helps to to indicate that you’re a real person with a real business, not just another spambot – investing time into making thoughtful comments will also help with this impression!

By taking Twitter seriously enough to buy their blue tick, you’re showing your audience that you’re serious.

Is this necessary? No, you can do all of this without the blue check – it will just be a lot slower. If you’re planning to make Twitter your main promotional channel for your Fiverr gigs, this is a reasonably low-cost way to get everything up and running faster.

The other option is paid ads, which suck. If you want to pay for something on Twitter, make it X Premium .

The Twitter Algorithm Is Open Source – Use This Information!

Like all social media sites, Twitter loves engagement. One major difference between Twitter and other social media sites is that Twitter has a partially open source algorithm (TensorFlow). That means you can actually poke around it on GitHub.

If only Fiverr was as generous! I won’t go into the details about the Twitter algorithm here, but if you want to use it to your advantage, here’s how the algorithm on Twitter works at the most basic level:

  • Twitter groups tweets users into the same groups – think communities
  • If people a group like a piece of content a lot, it gets shown to more people in that group
  • Participating in conversations helps to make your other tweets more visible to other people in that conversation
  • Posting a lot at once leads to suppression to give users a more diverse timeline
  • Buying X Premium (Twitter Blue) hard-codes more visibility (surprise!)

To take advantage of the Twitter algorithm and get your Fiverr gigs noticed, follow this strategy:

  • Join the conversation – like and and respond to conversations in your niche
  • Make good content for your niche – avoid “fake news” (information)
  • Space out your tweets by a few hours to avoid suppression
  • Get X Premium (optional, but a very good idea)
  • Avoid conflict – walk away!

Most, if not all of these, are common sense – and I’ve already given you best practice for doing all of this with a simple daily routine.

All that’s left is to find time to create and post around 15 times a day. If you’re anything like me, your mind has already turned to the magic of ChatGPT and automation!

Automating Twitter Can Help You Grow with Less Work

A screenshot of a make automation template for sharing posts from a blog to Twitter / X
Make is a good choice for Twitter automation – it is cheaper and more flexible than Zapier!

Twitter can be a good place to automate. Since this is a busy platform, there’s a much higher threshold for multiple posts per day than other platforms allow for – what might be considered “overposting” on Facebook is fine on Twitter.

You can use this to your advantage with a simple automation that uses ChatGPT and a tool like Zapier or Make to do the posting for you. You will need to set up the Twitter API first.

However, since the strategy we are discussing here is very much focused on building relationships, it is better to use this for simple, routine posts, such as sharing blog posts or industry news. The screenshot above shows a simple Make automation that:

  • Checks your blog once a day for new content
  • Sends your content to ChatGPT to create a brief text
  • Parses ChatGPT’s content
  • Sends ChatGPT’s content and your blog link to Twitter and Facebook
  • Makes further adjustments before posting to LinkedIn

This is a great use of automation, since it updates multiple social media platforms at once, saving you plenty of time so you can focus on joining conversations that help your account to grow instead.

Another smart use of automation would be for reposting: you’ve already created and posted the content once. A bot can easily take care of the reposting so you can concentrate on something else instead.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to automate anything direct from Fiverr. Fiverr might be madly in love with AI, but it doesn’t allow any automation tools to access the platform. Hopefully that will change one day, since I have lots of things I want to automate on Fiverr!

Think About Growing Your Email List

Don’t just think about your Fiverr gig. Twitter is a great place to build an email list, which can be hugely beneficial for your business away from Fiverr. As the old saying goes, the money’s in the list. You should be promoting your business with your Fiverr gig as one part of it.

You might be surprised to hear this, but email marketing – via newsletters – is a great way to make money online, especially with affiliate links and directing people to your services or special offers. You can start this list whenever you like – but make sure that your newsletter content is useful to your subscribers.

Twitter Is A Good Choice for Marketing Your Fiverr Gigs

Twitter is no different to the other social media websites out there: you need to build an audience and your reputation before you can start collecting the rewards. The strategies I’ve laid out here will help you to grow faster and think strategically about how you will use your platform: yes, you can promote Fiverr gigs on Twitter, but you can also grow your newsletter and drive traffic to your website.

To get the best results on Twitter for your Fiverr gig, you’re going to need to spend a lot of time building relationships. AI and automation can cut some of this workload, but when it comes to building relationships, you will need to do the work.

So long as you’re adding to the conversation and take the time to really understand what your part of Twitter looks like, this isn’t a tough strategy – it’s just time-consuming! If you are considering using paid ads to skip this process, don’t. Twitter does not have a good reputation for ads, and they are cheap for a reason. It won’t hurt to try them, but don’t be surprised if the results are disappointing.

If you want to focus on Twitter as your main social network for your gig promotion, then buy the X Premium. It’ll help you stand out a bit more, drive more traffic and visibility to your posts, and people will recognize that you’re serious. It’s a quick and easy way to leapfrog over a few early hurdles.


About X Premium

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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