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are multiple accounts allowed on fiverr

The Curious Case of Multiple Accounts on Fiverr

April 6, 2024

Are multiple accounts on Fiverr allowed? You’d think that would be an easy question to answer, but it’s actually not. The answer is yes, but in one of those wonderfully complex ways that only big tech can come up with. Let’s talk about it!

Key Takeaways

  • Fiverr allows users to have up to two accounts: one regular account and one Fiverr Pro account.
  • Users are not allowed to have more than one regular account or more than one Fiverr Pro account.
  • Pro accounts are designed to be used by business teams and can contain multiple accounts on Fiverr
  • The company uses various methods to detect multiple accounts on Fiverr.
  • Attempting to work around multiple account restrictions can have legal consequences.
  • Sellers don’t need multiple accounts on Fiverr to offer very different services, it is possible with one
  • Appeals for a multiple accounts on Fiverr ban can be tough – Customer Support cannot offer help.
  • Users should contact Fiverr Customer Support before opening a (legitimate) second regular account.

Can You Have Multiple Accounts on Fiverr? (The Truth)

are multiple accounts on fiverr allowed for different service types

In an age where multiple accounts on sites have become somewhat normal, Fiverr’s confusing multiple account policy can quickly get people into a lot of trouble.

Most people asking this question will be sellers. There are all sorts of reasons you might have for opening a new account:

  • You want a fresh new start after crashing and burning
  • You want to separate different services into different brands
  • You want a separate account for buying and for selling
  • You want a fresh slate after a mistake lead to a warning

These are only four of the most common reasons. Buyers, who often place less value on retaining their account than sellers, do not ask this question so much – but the topic is still one they should understand.

What Fiverr Says About Multiple Accounts

are you allowed multiple accounts on fiverr tos

Fiverr’s Terms of Service clearly outline the platform’s policy on multiple accounts on Fiverr and the reasoning behind it:

Multiple Accounts – To prevent fraud and abuse, users are limited to one active Fiverr account and one active Fiverr Pro account. Any additional account determined to be created to circumvent guidelines, promote competitive advantages, or mislead the Fiverr community will be disabled. Mass account creation may result in disabling of all related accounts. Note: any violations of Fiverr’s Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards is a cause for permanent suspension of all accounts.

Fiverr Terms of Service

The terms for multiple accounts on Fiverr can be broken down into three basic areas:

  • Users can only have one regular account (buyer/seller) and one Fiverr Pro account (buyer only)
  • Creating more accounts to manipulate Fiverr systems or users is not allowed
  • Creating multiple accounts on Fiverr is grounds for immediate permanent bans of all related accounts

So… Multiple Accounts on Fiverr Are OK?

multiple accounts on Fiverr is simple math

The answer is a little bit yes, but also a little bit no. Look, here’s a table with all the possible iterations!

Fiverr Account Types and AmountsAllowed?
1 regular account only
1 Pro account only
1 regular account and 1 Pro account
More than 1 regular account
More than 1 Pro account
More than 1 regular account and 1 Pro account

A regular account can be switched between buyer and seller modes. For the majority of users, that’s more than enough. Enforcing a one account policy ensures that everyone is equal and there are no unfair advantages.

Nobody is allowed to have more than one regular account.

A Pro account, on the other hand, refers to buyer-only accounts (not to Pro Verified accounts). These accounts can use the Fiverr Pro marketplace and the regular marketplace.

Nobody is allowed to have more than one pro account.

So the accurate answer to this question is that yes, users can have up to two accounts, just as the Fiverr Terms of Service describe.

Everybody can have 1 regular account AND 1 pro account.

Beyond that allowance, multiple accounts on Fiverr are a big no-no, and one of the main reasons that users are banned from the platform.

Fiverr Pro Accounts Are Designed For Buyer Business Teams

are multiple accounts allowed or should I get Fiverr Pro

Here’s where things can get even more confusing, especially since Fiverr’s 2023 Product Relaunch.

This relaunch saw Fiverr Pro sellers renamed to Fiverr Pro Verified sellers. The Fiverr Pro title passed onto the Fiverr Pro marketplace and Fiverr Pro buyers – both of which were formerly known as the Fiverr Business marketplace and buyers respectively.

Fiverr Pro multiple accounts on fiverr

Still with me? In terms of a rebrand, this was maybe not the best, creating a lot of unnecessary confusion.

This confusion has only been compounded by the fact there are tens of thousands of articles online that refer to the original terms.

Some sellers even opened Pro account thinking they would become Pro sellers!

They are not breaking the multiple accounts on Fiverr rule, but they are now disappointed.

Here’s another table just to make the relationship between the old and new terms as clear as possible:

Original TermNew Term (Post-2023 Product Relaunch)Description/Role
Fiverr Pro SellersFiverr Pro Verified SellersSellers with regular accounts who have been vetted and verified for high-quality services
Fiverr Business Fiverr Pro MarketplaceA specialized marketplace on Fiverr, tailored for professional, high-quality services
Fiverr Business BuyersFiverr Pro BuyersBuyers who use the Fiverr Pro Marketplace, typically seeking premium or professional services

Now that we’ve got that cleared up, let’s talk about how Fiverr Pro accounts act as hub for small business teams, putting what would otherwise be multiple accounts on Fiverr into one basket.

This is important, because Fiverr’s multiple account detection tools are set off by things like IP addresses.

Fiverr Pro: Multiple Accounts on Steroids for Business Teams

are multiple fiverr accounts allowed
*Actual results from using Fiverr Pro may vary from the image depicted.

A Fiverr Pro account is run by one person, known as the Admin. The Admin controls the entire account. What makes the Pro account special is that they can send invites to people to join their account in one of two roles:

  • Billing manager (the finance guy)
  • Member (everyone else)

There are no limitations on how many people can be invited (via email) to join a Fiverr Pro Buyer account as members, although admin and billing manager roles are limited to one.

This makes Fiverr Pro buyer accounts very flexible with regard to “multiple accounts”. The collaborative business tools include also make it a far superior option for small teams using Fiverr with separate accounts.

Since Fiverr Pro free to use, it’s clear that Fiverr’s focus is still very much keeping things streamlined. 1 user, 1 account, whether that user is an individual or a (buying) team.

Unfortunately, sellers don’t have anything like this yet. This puts agency offices in some jeopardy of the multiple accounts on Fiverr rule, but it’s reasonable to assume that as Fiverr continues to target bigger business, it will also create something similar for agencies on Fiverr.

For now, agencies should only run one regular account from a limited number of devices with one person acting as the point of contact between Fiverr and the rest of the team. It’s not ideal, but it’s safe. If you are in an agency do want to run more than one account, check the next section for advice about running legit multiple accounts on Fiverr.

Still, if you’re a seller who also runs an agency off-Fiverr, having a Pro account – it’s free – is a good way to manage your agency on Fiverr due to the collaborative tools.

How Are Multiple Accounts on Fiverr Detected?

are multiple accounts allowed on fiverr detective work
I could smell the deceit, hanging heavily in the air like cheap cologne in a smoky, back-alley speakeasy...

That’s a tricky question to answer, because Fiverr doesn’t share details about how it detects multiple accounts. Nobody can say with 100% certainty how Fiverr detects multiple accounts on Fiverr.

However, if you do a little digging, you can find some clues via complaints from banned users as well as case studies from some of the third parties software companies that Fiverr partners with. One example is Mona Labs (Fiverr case study), a monitoring platform that uses AI to track and detect performance issues in existing AI systems.

This case study reveals that Fiverr uses AI for many of its systems – this shouldn’t be a surprise. There’s a good chance that this tool being used to monitor AI systems that look for suspicious patterns of behavior that violate TOS.

How does Fiverr Know I Have Multiple Accounts?

does fiverr allow multiple accounts detective 2
I am a a ghost, a whisper in the night, blending into the backdrop, unseen, unfelt – the invisible man in a covert game

From the reports of banned users, there are a few common themes:

  • Using the same internet connection as another Fiverr account
  • Using the same device as another Fiverr account
  • Using the same payment details as another Fiverr account
  • Using the same phone or personal ID as another Fiverr account
  • Using very similar information to another Fiverr account
  • Using similar patterns of login activity from similar locations

As you can see, the common theme is that the multiple account is usually somehow closely related to the first, indicating that the person who owns the multiple account is closely related to, or associated with them.

It’s also a fair assumption that these behavioural patterns are tracked together. It would be impossible to watch and detect patterns for every user on a platform the size of Fiverr for a human team. For an AI tool being fed a steady stream of big data, this is just another day at the office.

Of course, there are completely justified reasons that users might be using Fiverr the legit way while behaving “suspiciously”. A husband and a wife might work from the same address, using the same internet connection.

Fiverr does allow that, so long as these accounts offer different services (in different categories) and never purchase from one another or otherwise manipulate things to benefit one another. Even so, it’s easy to see how their data patterns might trigger an AI to suspend both accounts, leaving this couple frustrated and angry.

This situation can be easily avoided. Don’t leave it to Fiverr’s automated systems to make assumptions. Clarify your legitimate situation!

Never Assume: Talk to Fiverr Customer Support First

are multiple accounts allowed on fiverr cs
Oh dear. These stock image Customer Support representatives are not at least six feet apart from each other.

Fiverr makes one thing very clear in its Help Center. Once an account is suspended, they are not going to be able to help at all while Fiverr’s Trust and Safety team investigates your case:

Customer Support can neither influence the result of this review nor can they update the customer on the review’s end date. 

Fiverr Help Center

To avoid all this aggravation, before opening a second account that might interpreted as a multiple account, open a ticket with Fiverr Customer Support and let them know about the situation. Explain that the other person will offer different services to you and that you both understand you cannot order from each other or manipulate the system in any other way.

You can also ask if there’s anything else you need to be aware of before you open the account. The point of this is that you make Fiverr aware of your situation. By being open and transparent, you’re also demonstrating that you are trustworthy.

And by making sure you’re doing things with the help of Fiverr, you’re maximizing your chances of a successful appeal in case things go wrong. You will have a paper trail for Trust and Safety to look at when investigating your case.

Don’t leave things to chance, don’t assume things will be OK. Do what you can to make sure that you’ve taken every step to protect yourself from the gaze of the AI watching everything you do.

If this feels a touch dystopian, that’s because it is. The unblinking eye of AI following you everywhere you go online 🙃

How Risky Is Making Multiple Accounts on Fiverr?

are multiple accounts on fiverr a good idea?

It’s very risky. It doesn’t really matter what scheme you come up with, many other people have probably tried it, which means Fiverr already knows about it. This is a probability that only increases in Fiverr’s favor as time goes by.

But sure, if you do it, you might get away with it for some time. Maybe even a long time. If Fiverr isn’t your primary income, or even a significant source of income, then you might not care too much.

But if one of your accounts grows and reaches real success, then you have the real and constant worry of being found out. That’s a lot of insecurity to handle, never mind potential financial and mental devastation if you do get caught.

Stress is not good for your health. I should know – I now have autoimmune disease as a result of stress!

This is one of the reasons I always advocate for doing things the correct way. It’s lowkey as stress-free as you can make stuff.

But enough about me. I’m just saying that this can be a high-risk strategy with consequences that may not immediately consider.

Fiverr’s not perfect.

It has suspended accounts on suspicion of multiple accounts on Fiverr for false positives. This is an indication that its triggers are overly sensitive. For legitimate sellers, this can be fixed with human oversight. But for sellers trying to use multiple accounts on Fiverr for reasons not allowed by the Terms of Service, the net is already closing in around them, ready to snap shut.

The more elaborate your detection evasion system, the easier it is for you to make a simple error, such as forgetting to log into your VPN because you logged in before coffee. VPN doesn’t work as well as you might think, either. While Fiverr allows VPNs, it likely also has access to tools that shows your original address from your ISP.

That’s not even the real gotcha. The real catch is far worse and can have a huge impact on your life outside Fiverr.

Creating Multiple Accounts on Fiverr May Get You in Legal Trouble

are multiple accounts on fiverr legal
We’ve been watching you, buddy. Game’s up. You’re coming with us.”

With many countries tightening rules and regulations on online earnings, “borrowing” a friend’s identity to start a second, third, or even fourth Fiverr account is also not ideal. In the EU, for example, DAC7 means that Fiverr reports the earnings of its EU-resident seller earnings to local tax authorities.

This can lead to your friend being liable for tax on your earnings in their name. This is unlikely to please your friend if their tax burden increases significantly. More importantly, depending on your local laws, you may be charged and found guilty of ID theft and fraud, both of which can be treated as serious criminal offenses with fines and jail sentences.

Since Fiverr requires tax information on top of phone and ID verification from users, there’s no real way to avoid this consequence. Even if you live in a country where this isn’t an issue now, it will be in the near future.

All things told, creating multiple accounts on Fiverr is a very high risk for a low chance of reward. The technology is constantly improving and the law is constantly tightening. Unless something major happens, this trend will not change anytime soon.

Most Users Won’t Need Multiple Accounts on Fiverr

are multiple accounts allowed on fiverr red chair in sea of white chairs
You don’t need multiple accounts on Fiverr to sell: just one that stands out.

Some sellers think that if they offer two different types of service (e.g. logo design and website development) that it is better to split these services up into two accounts.

The idea is not a bad one, but it won’t work on Fiverr, at least not under its present policies. This will be considered to break the Terms of Service for multiple accounts on Fiverr, no matter how good your reasoning.

This might feel restrictive, but the truth is that it’s OK to have a diverse set of gigs on one Fiverr seller profile. Most buyers find you through your individual gigs, not your profile page. Many of them will continue to only order that one gig.

Many times, one service will sell, and the others will never take off. Don’t worry about confusing buyers. It’s just not going to happen. Don’t be afraid to explore different services until you hit something that works.

When you hit the right service, you’ll be able to focus on specialization if you want. It’s always a good idea to specialize, as this experts generally command higher prices than generalists. Either way, both strategies work on Fiverr. Why bother with multiple accounts on Fiverr and the headaches it comes with?

How To Appeal A Ban for Multiple Accounts on Fiverr?

can you appeal bans for having multiple accounts on fiverr

You can’t. Fiverr’s Trust and Safety will investigate your account and activity, and they do not share information about anything they do with Customer Support. If you have a Success Manager, they may be able to help pass on a message. However, like Customer Support, they will not be able to influence or discuss the case.

If you find yourself locked out of your disabled Fiverr account and unable to reach Fiverr, don’t make another account. Email instead.

There’s nothing to stop you trying to appeal, but you will be met with a brick wall of silence until Trust and Safety reach a verdict. Since this can take over 90 days, it can be a long wait. In general, it seems that the longer you wait for an update, the worse your chances of recovering your account.

Fiverr’s primary concern when looking through your case is the integrity of their platform, not you. As harsh as this sounds, it is the cold truth. The impact that multiple accounts on Fiverr have on the marketplace can be significant, and Fiverr treats it as one of the most serious offences that its users, especially sellers, can commit.

Remember, some types of multiple account use what might be considered identity theft and fraud in your jurisdiction.

I know this isn’t necessarily what you want to hear, but this is the reality that you may face trying to game the system with multiple accounts on Fiverr.

Wrap-Up: Multiple Accounts on Fiverr Are Complicated

are multiple accounts allowed on Fiverr conclusion

As you can see, while the question of whether multiple accounts on Fiverr are allowed isn’t as clear cut as yes or no. The broadest, safest, and simplest answer is no, but the long answer comes is a yes with caveats and serious considerations.

One thing should be clear: legit multiple accounts on Fiverr are fine, so long as Fiverr is aware of them and they operate well within the boundaries of the Terms of Service. Fiverr says as much! However, it’s a very briefly described term, and the devil really is in the details on this one.

For anyone who is considering creating illicit multiple accounts on Fiverr, I can only strongly discourage it. Whether your reason is justified or not, you’re opening a can of worms that can potentially affect your life in ways that you can’t begin to imagine today.

Is this a somewhat alarmist tone? Maybe. But preparing for the worst is always a sound life strategy. When the worst happens, you’ll still be up shit creek, but at least you might have a paddle to help you go around in frustrated circles.

If you’re considering starting a new account because your current one is a miserable flop, then you can simply start a new one (read this guide first!). Better yet, focus on reworking your existing profile with in-depth, expert seller guides that take you through every aspect of your profile and gig. Fiverr is a dynamic platform, and if you can get everything just right for your industry and niche, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your fortunes can turn around.

Just avoid making TOS-violating multiple accounts on Fiverr, whatever you do!

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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