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How Many Gigs Can You Have on Fiverr?

April 15, 2024

Fiverr’s online marketplace is unique because it lacks the bidding system that defines other freelance websites. Instead, sellers package their services as ‘gigs’. The obvious question that follows is “how many gigs can you have on Fiverr?” Just remember: quality always beats quantity.

The Lowdown

  • UPDATE: Fiverr revamped its levels system in March 2024, changing how many gigs sellers can have
  • Fiverr has specific limits on the number of active gigs sellers can have based on their seller level:
    • New Seller: Up to 4 active gigs
    • Level 1 Seller: Up to 10 active gigs
    • Level 2 Seller: Up to 10 active gigs
    • Top Rated Seller (TRS): Up to 30 active gigs
    • Pro Verified Seller: The limit depends on the seller’s level
  • “Active gigs” on Fiverr include not only published and visible gigs but also unpublished gigs like drafts or paused gigs
  • Fiverr limits the number of active gigs to prevent low-quality offerings from flooding the marketplace
  • There’s no clear indication of reaching the gig limit when trying to create a new gig. If you have issues, contact Fiverr Customer Support for assistance
  • Focus on gig quality, optimizing SEO to attract buyers and get more orders on Fiverr
  • Fiverr evaluates new seller applications based on the quality of their gigs, so it’s important to create high-quality gigs from the start
  • Badges like “Fiverr’s Choice” and “Rising Talent” can boost sales
  • The quality of your gigs is more important than their quantity
  • Success on Fiverr comes from testing and improving gigs. Not all gigs perform well
  • Quality and expertise are becoming increasingly important on Fiverr, so investing in skills and focusing on quality is essential for long-term success

How Many Gigs Can You Have On Fiverr?

Seems like an easy enough question to answer, doesn’t it? Fiverr has a helpful levels page that details gig allowances for each of its levels along with other useful information. If you’re the kind of person who likes to plan your world domination, step-by-step, that page will be helpful, but it only gives you the basics.

Since it’s hard to find information about the gig allowance for Pro Verified freelancers on Fiverr’s labyrinth of website, I’ve also included this information:

Seller LevelActive Gig Allowed
New SellerUp to 4 active gigs
Level 1 SellerUp to 10 active gigs
Level 2 SellerUp to 10 active gigs
Top Rated Seller (TRS)Up to 30 active gigs
Pro Verified SellerDependent on seller level, not badge

How to See How Many Gigs You Have On Fiverr

how many gigs can you have on fiverr

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Go to your profile page and start counting
  2. Click on My Business > Gigs

The second method is better, as it will show you all your gigs, including gigs in different statuses like active, pending approval, requires modification, draft, denied, and paused.

It doesn’t matter what the gig status is: all of these gig types will be considered ‘active’ by Fiverr.

What Does Fiverr Mean By Active gigs?

how many gigs can I have on fiverr active
You only need one good active gig to win the… uh… big bike race of Fiverr?

When Fiverr talks about active gigs, it isn’t only talking about gigs that are published and visible on the Fiverr marketplace. It also means unpublished gigs (e.g. in draft or paused).

Yes, it’s a little confusing! I would not consider an unpublished gig to be active either. But Fiverr does, so you will need to plan your gig strategy around these limitations.

This quirk means you can’t really have a gig rotation or keep gigs for specific calendar events like Thanksgiving or Christmas on hold. Well, you can, but you will have to sacrifice valuable gig slots for gigs that can sell all year round.

It’s your call. Personally, I prefer to stick to evergreen gigs that are always in demand. Because making great gigs that Fiverr loves and buyers order is hard work, and I kind of need money to *exist* every month of the year!

Why Does Fiverr Limit Active Gigs So Much?

how many gigs can you have on fiverr marketplace at once
Look at how horrified everyone looks in this image! More gigs ain’t the solution!

The most likely reason is to avoid sellers flooding the Fiverr marketplace with tens or even hundreds of low quality offerings for visibility. Being visible on Fiverr is already tough with these limits, so while frustrating, these limits are a ultimately good thing.

As you work through the levels and build your reputation, Fiverr will reward you with more gig slots and more opportunities to make more money. Most of this is automatic, so long as you can maintain metrics to the standards that Fiverr demands, day-by-day

The biggest challenge is making high quality gigs that attract and convert sellers!

The good news? The question of how many gigs can you have on the Fiverr marketplace isn’t really a limiting factor, since most sellers really only have a couple of gigs that make them a lot of money.

In over 10 years of working on Fiverr, I have always had one gig that made more money than others. A couple are in the six-figure range now. Many others (most of them!) barely broke four.

While your results may vary from mine, this is normal for Fiverr.

There’s no way to know which gig it will be, unfortunately. The only thing you can do is keep testing and improving the gigs you have. If a gig flops, delete it and try a new strategy.

What Happens If I Try to Make a New Gig on Fiverr After I reach My Limit?

Not a whole lot. You make gigs from the Gigs page. When you click the green ‘Create a New Gig’ button (below), the page will just refresh. Mine currently does.

Spotted anything yet?

how many gigs can you have on fiverr gigs page

That’s right – I have 28 gigs. I’m a TRS Pro Verified seller with an active allowance of 30 active gigs. However, for some reason Fiverr Certified gigs are not included in the visible tally.

I am using all the gigs open to me.

It’s just another little quirk on Fiverr ? we all get used to them… eventually…

There is no helpful error message telling you that you’ve reached your gig limit.

If you keep clicking that green button but the page keeps refreshing and you know you have free gig slots available, contact Fiverr Customer Support team. It may be a simple glitch such as the Fiverr website not clearing its cache of a gig you’ve deleted.

It may also be something more complicated, but either way, they’ll help to resolve the issue so you can build out your new Fiverr bestseller.

How To Get More Orders On Fiverr Gigs

how many gigs can you have on fiverr gig screenshot

The best thing you can do is to make sure that your gig image is enhanced and that you’re using SEO as much as possible on your gig. If you’re not getting positions in Fiverr’s listings and your image isn’t getting eyeballs, you’re not going to sell.

It’s as simple as that. But you already know that!

If you are just joining Fiverr, there’s one thing you may not know. Fiverr is currently approving sellers based on the quality of their gig. If you don’t pass their (vague) criteria, you’re not welcome.

So it’s really important to spend time on your first gig, otherwise you’ll get the nastygram pictured below.

fiverr seller not approved email

Nobody knows if this rejection is permanent or temporary, and Fiverr doesn’t disclose much more than the information it gives in this automated email.

Note that it asks for high-quality services from trustworthy freelancers and make sure that your gigs – at the very least – match the quality of top sellers in your niche.

Trust? Having a portfolio and demonstrating expertise through certification will help!

If you need help, you’re in the right place. Here are just a few of the in-depth seller guides I’ve written lately that will help you optimize your Fiverr gig for more sales (and get approved as a seller):

That last post was written with SEO specialists in mind, but the templates themselves can easily be adapted.

One more thing: Fiverr’s Choice and Rising Talent are two badges to keep in mind when you make your gigs. If you can get these badges, you’ll almost always enjoy a nice uptick in sales.

Why Fiverr Puts Limits on Gig Listings

At the heart of Fiverr’s business concept is Service as a Product (SaaP), or productized services. Rather than bill by the our or by projects, sellers present their services to buyers as a neatly bundled set of options so they can browse and buy without having to go through the process of requesting a quote.

There are a couple of reasons for limiting how many gigs any one seller can have at any one time:

  • Quality control: Limiting your gigs makes sellers focus on quality, not quantity, helping to drive the marketplace’s overall quality of gigs up
  • Market saturation: Without limits, Fiverr would be flooded with similar offers, making it harder for buyers to browse and affecting smaller seller’s visibility

The model isn’t perfect, but it does reward sellers who deliver good work, satisfy their clients, and gain the trust of the ever-watching algorithm.

The Truth? This Isn’t The Right Question To ask!

how many gigs  can you have on Fiverr conclusion

Instead, you should be asking yourself what services you can offer to a high quality. If you don’t have any skills, consider investing in learning some before trying Fiverr. The days when anyone could sign up and sell anything are now in Fiverr’s rear view mirror – and it’s speeding away fast.

Right now, Fiverr isn’t approving gigs that don’t meet its quality standards and it is also removing freelancers who can’t maintain a good success score from its listings. As I said earlier in this article, quality is more valuable than quantity on Fiverr. Since only a few of your gigs will really take off, focus on quality every time you make a gig so they all have a chance to be that success story for you. And, it goes without saying, make sure you can fulfill them, otherwise a low success score will make Fiverr difficult for you.

I’ll be adding more guides, templates, and expert tips over time, so check back for more in the future. As a TRS Pro Verified Seller who has been on Fiverr since 2013 and made six figures in the process, I know exactly what works.

Ultimately, the short answer is focus on quality, not quantity. You don’t need to over-deliver, you just need to be better than your competition. No matter how many gigs you have, each one should be well-crafted, clearly describing the services offered, and tailored to attract the right audience.

And even then, they might flop. That’s just the way it goes sometimes.

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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