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How to Promote Fiverr Gigs on Facebook

July 19, 2024

200 million small businesses use Facebook every month to promote their services and products to the platform’s 3+ billion monthly active users – but is it a good choice for you to promote Fiverr gigs on Facebook?

The answer really depends on how much money or time you have to spare: Facebook is most effective with paid ads, but investing time in niche Facebook groups and pages can also pay dividends.

The good news for Fiverr sellers is that Facebook Ads don’t have to cost a lot. You can start with just $1 a day for campaigns billed by impressions, although $5 is recommended if you’re more interested in sales. You’ll find more information about Facebook Ads at the bottom of this article – for now, we’ll focus on free methods:

  • Create a Facebook page
  • Join relevant Facebook groups
  • Share useful content
  • Add your Fiverr gig or profile link
  • Share feedback and case studies

This strategy to promote your Fiverr gigs takes a time to execute and you need to avoid the appearance of spamming. If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to promote, then paid ads are your best bet – otherwise, consider using another platform if you want to keep your money in your pocket – other social media platforms, like TikTok, can be a quicker way to promote your gig for free.

Don’t Forget Market Research!

Before doing anything on Facebook, take a few hours to a couple of days to study your target market. Find out who they are, what their problems are, and how your Fiverr gig can help them.

Whether you’re community building or advertising your Fiverr gig, you need to create content that appeals to your future buyers. Spending some time to really understand who they are will help you to make content that gets the results you want.

You should be doing this for your social media marketing on any platform. Facebook is one of the best sites to carry out this research, since the pages and groups make it very easy to find your audience and learn from them – and also see what others marketers are doing that works.

Create a Facebook Page for Your Services

screenshot of the defiant phoenix Facebook page (not used to promote fiverr gigs)
Here’s what the Defiant Phoenix Facebook page looks like in dark mode. I haven’t done much with it yet!

This should be your brand page. Think of it as your “home page” on Facebook, where you will share information about you and your services. You’ll also need to accept that unless you pay Facebook, your page will be a cold, empty place for a while. Facebook knows it’s a goldmine, and it’s not giving away the gold for free anymore! This means you’ll either need to pay for visibility on Facebook or put hard time in.

Even if you’re not planning to use Facebook to market your Fiverr gig at the moment, you should claim your page and name, just in case you want it later. If you’re new and have been following my guides, this is a part of choosing a username on Fiverr!

This is OK. What you want to do is build your Facebook page into a place that is full of useful news, tips, tricks, and other related content. Include stuff that your target market is looking for. For example, if you’re an SEO expert, you might share updates and advice about the latest – usually terrifying – updates from Google.

You can also showcase your own work, promote your Fiverr gig, and share reviews. Make sure you fill out the page as much as you can, including information about you, the cover page, and more. Is this busywork? Absolutely, but it helps to give people the impression that you are a real person with a real business.

This is important, as when you’re doing the next step, some people will naturally come to visit your page to check you out. You want to have something ready for them to engage with!

Hashtags Are Useful for Organic Facebook Promotions

screenshot showing how to use hashtags to promote fiverr gigs on facebook
You can create a dummy post that you won’t use to find a list of hashtags you will use a lot

When you post content, use hashtags to help your audience find you when they search the platform. The #fiverr hashtag might seem like a good option – after all, your gig is on Fiverr, right?

Not quite.

It’s better to use hashtags that focus on what your service actually is. As the screenshot above shows, there are 2.4 million post with the #Fiverr hashtag on Facebook. That’s not too bad (and you can check the results by searching for #Fiverr), but ask yourself a simple question – are your buyers on Facebook who need your service looking at #Fiverr, or are they more likely to look for your service?

If you’re a logo designer, your best hashtag will focus on what you do, not where people can buy it! If you’re not sure how to use hashtags to maximize your views, then check out my tagging guide – while this does focus on Fiverr’s tags, the advice also works for social media by helping people searching for you to find you.

One final thing: people can also follow hashtags, which means posts with use those hashtags will show up in their timeline. Since people are more likely to browse their timeline than search, use this to your advantage but remember that Facebook throttles organic reach to persuade marketers to pay. In other words, this is a sound strategy that may not work, simply because of how Facebook works.

Join Groups Where Your Target Audience Is

Done right, groups are really the powerhouse of Fiverr gig promotion. You don’t need to start your own. Instead, find and join groups where your buyers might find you. If you’re an SEO expert, that would be SEO groups.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the “other” experts won’t be interested in hiring you. Many agency owners hang out on Facebook and these guys are always looking for new talent, as are people who are starting to grow and need extra help.

All you have to do is share posts and add value to the conversation through your comments. Join the discussion, introduce yourself, answer questions that you know the answer to. Get to be someone that people in the group know and come to trust. Remember, social media is all about networking and building relationships.

This can take a while, but within a month or two, you may have enough popularity to start promoting yourself. By promotion, I don’t mean “buy my gig”. I mean showing an example of your work and asking for opinions. This doesn’t always lead to work, but it can. Sometimes, Facebook group admins invite people to share their services – always take advantage of this to promote your services, as your next client may be reading the responses!

Either way, with an optimized Facebook page and high engagement in relevant groups, you’ll soon start finding leads. It’s a bit time-consuming, but a great long-term strategy that you can use to promote your Fiverr gigs and other services.

Don’t Use Fiverr Gig Promotion Groups!

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Avoid this type of groups: they are usually full of other freelancers, not potential clients

These groups are all over Facebook. They usually have thousands of members and… that’s it. They’re essentially little spam bins, conveniently collecting and holding some lazy copy-paste promotion that targets nobody.

Think about it: when you want to buy something, how do you research what you want to buy? You probably read a few articles, watch a few videos, and narrow down your choices. One thing you probably don’t do is head straight for a webpage full of different listings for random stuff, most of which you are not interested in. If you want to buy socks online, you only want to see different types of socks – not shampoo, microphones, and A4 paper!

It’s a waste of time. Do it if you want, but the chances of anything happening is slim to none. The only people looking at these groups are people like you: people who want to promote their gig. There is a chance that one of these sellers might need your service, but more often than not, your promotion will get lost in all the noise.

Should You Use Paid Ads to Promote Fiverr Gigs on Facebook?

computer screen displaying 4.7k facebook ads traffic

While Facebook’s free promotional efforts are time-consuming, its paid ads can deliver great results. Facebook has been restricting growth of new pages and groups to encourage ads, so you can just as easily skip all this hard work by promoting your Fiverr gig with Facebook Ads.

Just one word of warning: you will need to send your leads to a landing page before they go to Fiverr. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing (it gives you a lot more control over your traffic flow!) but it is an extra step that can easily become a whole other job.

Facebook Ads can also be difficult to get approved. The platform is notoriously fussy over what is and isn’t allowed, and can be very strict when it comes to maintaining those standards. To give you an idea:

  • Images can contain no more than 20% text and no more than 125 characters
  • Do not include images of functions (e.g. play buttons) that cannot be clicked
  • Your image must be a JPG or PNG
  • Your landing page must be relevant
  • Your ad (and landing page) must comply with Facebook’s guidelines

There are plenty more guidelines, which you can review on Facebook’s advertising standards page. Each ad you make to promote your gig will be reviewed by Facebook who will reject any ads that fail to meet their standards.

If you’re thinking of going down this route and are not familiar with Facebook Ads, I would strongly recommend hiring a FBA professional to help you out or at least spending time learning more about best practices. Trying to do this yourself can easily result in a lot of wasted time and money with little to show for it. They can also help you better manage your campaigns and make use of more advanced features like retargeting.

Overall, Facebook Ads are worth it, but only if you know how to use them effectively – and that means your Fiverr gig and interim landing page will also need to be optimized. You will lose clicks as people go through the pages to your Fiverr gig, so it’s important to minimize this loss by making sure everything is attractive and specific to their needs.

Facebook: Challenging, But Great for Community Growth

Facebook is a huge place with billions of users. Your clients are almost certainly looking for your services on there. If have the energy to build a Facebook community as well as become a popular presence in multiple other communities, then you can do well here, building something that helps you make money with or without Fiverr.

However, if you’re just looking to get eyeballs on your work and enjoy a quick bit of engagement here and there, it may not be the best choice, unless you’re willing to get out your wallet and commit to some serious market research.

The platform’s strongest selling point is its highly targeted ads and its huge audience. If you’re OK with using paid promotions for your Fiverr gigs, then this would be one of the first ad networks I would recommend. If you’re going the free route though, be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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