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how to pick a good fiverr username

How to Choose a Great Fiverr Username

March 13, 2024

Don’t make the same mistake I did! Back in 2013, I joined Fiverr thinking it would just be a source of a little extra pocket money. Boy, was I wrong. Luckily, my Fiverr username – or rather, a nickname I liked – turned out to be brandable, so the mistake wasn’t terrible. But it could easily have gone the wrong way…

Just think, if I’d gone for something like @~~SniperWritrr007~~, there’s a good chance that I wouldn’t have had as much success as I have enjoyed on Fiverr since joining in 2013. It might be a 💩 gamer name, but it definitely isn’t a professional one! After all, Fiverr is a platform where you can build a brand, just as much as it is a platform where you can bring an existing brand. 

You only get one username (or rather, @handle) on Fiverr with no chance to change it.

This means it’s a good take some time to find the best username on Fiverr for you. Otherwise, a few years down the line, you’ll end up kicking yourself in frustration at the bad Fiverr username you’re saddled with.

While your username might make the most difference in attracting customers and boosting your Fiverr ranking, it’s still a pretty important part of your overall presence on Fiverr. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of selecting the best Fiverr username – by approaching it with a focus on brand identity. 

Key Takeaways

key takeaways for article about creating a great Fiverr username
  • Choosing a Good Username on Fiverr is essential for building your brand and attracting customers.
  • Your Fiverr username should reflect your brand and the services you offer.
  • Ensure your username aligns with your brand name on other social media platforms for consistency.
  • Choose a unique, catchy, and easy-to-remember username, avoiding generic or unrelated ones.
  • Your username affects how Fiverr ranks your profile in search results, so choose wisely.
  • A professional username builds buyer trust, showing that you take your work seriously.
  • Using your full name can establish a personal brand and professionalism, but consider privacy concerns.
  • Go for a username that’s easy to spell and remember, as accessibility is important.
  • Avoid stuffing your username with keywords; focus on creating a memorable and professional handle.
  • Aim for a username that stands out and is easy to remember.
  • AI tools like ChatGPT and Namelix can help you to brainstorm unique username ideas quickly.
  • Prioritize building a brand identity around your username for long-term success.
  • Approach Fiverr professionally and build a business around your brand for lasting success.

What Is a Username on Fiverr?

the best fiverr username isn't always the one you think it is

Your username on Fiverr is simply your handle. In this (very quick!) mockup to the left, the username is @coolgraphix (sorry guys, a long-dead profile has claimed it already).

Whether this is a good username or not you’ll be able to judge for yourself by the end of this article.

Your Fiverr username is one of the most basic elements of your overall Fiverr profile and it needs to be unique. If there’s already someone who has your username, then you can’t have it. Damn you, @coolgraphix!

It can be frustrating if all your initial ideas for Fiverr usernames are taken, but remember: your Fiverr username doesn’t have to be exclusive to Fiverr. It can be part of something much bigger.

In 2023, Fiverr switched things up a little bit, turning the username into a @handle. However, they still don’t let you change it. If you call yourself @rudeboi, then you’re stuck with it unless you want to close your Fiverr account and start a new one from scratch, making sure to involve Fiverr’s Customer Support in the process so you don’t get hit with a multiple account permanent ban.

That sucks. Quite a lot. It’s not a good choice, and you won’t be surprised to hear that most sellers decide to keep their Fiverr username as the lesser of two evils.

It’s also good to know it’s not the end of the world if you don’t like your username. I also made a mockup of @coolgraphix’s profile thumbnail (right).

Do you think Jennifer’s business is affected by her username, even if she hates it now? I don’t!

Fiverr username is important, but a bad one isn't the end of the world

The good news is that it’s pretty easy to change your display name on Fiverr (for @coolgraphix, it’s Jennifer B.), although there are some rules you’ll need to follow, described in the link above. They mostly concern what is allowed and what isn’t when choosing or changing your display name (not your @handle) on Fiverr.

@coolgraphix is also easy to remember. Like my username, it could have been a lot worse. But at least now, Jennifer can focus on her name and not the first thing that popped into her head when she started Fiverr.

Creating a Memorable Identity on Fiverr

a fiverr username helps to stand out
Remember, a good username is only a part of standing out on Fiverr

Your Fiverr username is, a part of your online business identity. Maybe you want to associate your Fiverr dealings with your existing brand, in which case, you can skip this section… and I’m not sure why you’re reading this article!

But if you’re planning to use Fiverr as one branch of your online business, then you need a memorable brand identity. It can affect your success on and off Fiverr. So please guys, don’t be random – you will be kicking yourself in a few years from now!

A well-chosen username can help you to stand out from the crowd and attract potential customers. To find the best Fiverr username, consider using:

  • Your actual IRL name: e.g. @johnsmith
  • Your existing brand name: e.g. @beeboopermedia
  • A new brand name: e.g. @wasploverdesign
  • Something relating to your service: e.g. @coolgraphix

At the same time, you’ll want to avoid generic or unrelated usernames that can hinder your success. Your username should be unique, catchy, and easy to remember.

Create a Username for Branding and Recognition

make your Fiverr username your brand

Over the years, I’ve seen that choosing the right username on Fiverr makes it easier for for sellers to strong brand identity and gain recognition both on and off Fiverr. You might think @wasploverdesign is a stupid username (and it is!), but it’s certainly something people will remember.

If you’re planning to drive traffic to Fiverr, or create a business where it’s easy for people to find you on or off Fiverr, you need a brand that people recognize and can identify no matter where they see you.

Here are five things to think about  before you create a username for branding and recognition on Fiverr:

  1. Reflect your brand: Your username should align with your brand and evoke the essence of your services
  2. Be memorable: Choose a username that stands out and is easy for potential customers to remember
  3. Use keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your username to help users find your services more easily
  4. Be consistent: Ensure that your Fiverr username is consistent with your brand name and username on other social media platforms
  5. Avoid limitations: Steer clear of usernames that may restrict your future services or cause confusion.

Impact of Username on Fiverr Search and Rankings

a fiverr username that buyers remember easily is good
I have no doubt that some buyers actually search for sellers like this

Your username isn’t only a way for potential customers to find you, but it also affects how Fiverr ranks your profile in search results. And no, not for the reasons you’re probably thinking of!

You should choose a Fiverr username that aligns with your brand and services. Now, you might be thinking that stuffing your username with keywords is a good way to go, but not so fast. Keywords can make your username very generic and also limit you in future. 

What I mean by this is that maybe you start out as a logo designer, but eventually discover that children’s book illustrations are your real jive. It’s going to look weird if your username is all about modern logo designs when your gigs are more or less cute kid’s book illustrations. 

Not that weird, but weird enough that people will notice.

Instead of getting hung up on keyword names, take the time to choose a username that’s easy to remember, professional, and unique.

Don’t worry about the algorithm. Fiverr’s algorithm doesn’t necessarily use your username to rank you – it ranks so many other things that this is just one signal of many. However, buyers will notice weird usernames that don’t fit, and not in a good way.

That’s not good for your Fiverr career, since confusing buyers simply means they’ll go somewhere they are not confused!

So don’t worry about SEO in your username. It’s just not that important. How else would sellers who use their real names as their username manage otherwise? There are a ton of other places for keywords and SEO. This isn’t one of them.

Build Buyer Trust with a Professional Username

Fiverr usernames should be professional

How can a professional username on Fiverr help build buyer trust?

It’s as simple as showing that you’re serious. You can’t change your username, so if you choose a name like @~~SniperWritrr007~~, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot compared to something like @coolgraphics. @beeboopermedia, or even just your real name. 

You want a username that demonstrates the following in order to build buyer trust: 

  1. Credibility: A sense that you take your work seriously 
  2. Expertise: A sense that you’re an expert in your niche
  3. Branding: A sense that you’re a brand, or a professional individual
  4. Consistency: Something that is available across all the social media networks 
  5. Good first impressions: Something that gives people a positive first impression

Yes, that’s quite a tall order. How on earth can you pack all of this into your Fiverr handle? 

I’m going to say something that most other blogs don’t: yeah, don’t bother. This is way too complicated and you’ll end up with a name you don’t love at best, and at worst with a name that’s all kinds of generic. 

And it’s not a huge factor to your success on Fiverr, so long as you avoid making the mistakes listed here. Ideally, you want your brand name to reflect elements of best practice for your Fiverr username, but it’s not something you want to overthink.

Remember, we live in a time where a brand name like Hello Kitty and X are just fine. Mispelled words like Fiverr are great.

There are no rules! Only creativity and what matches your brand.

Look Everywhere for Fiverr Username Inspiration

fiverr usernames can follow the example of IRL brand examples
Even a surname can make a great brand name and Fiverr username if it is backed by quality

As a consumer, you see brands every day. 

Would “Apple” really scream “cool and expensive smartphones and computers” to you if you weren’t aware of them?


Does X really say “yeah, I’m an intense ride of a social media platform” to you?


You know they’re credible. You know they have expertise. You know they’re consistent at the thing they do.

Your mileage may vary on first impressions or opinions of the companies, but you know their branding is on point, because you know them. 

Your Fiverr username is not as important as you think, so long as it is not crappy. What’s more important is branding and focusing on creating and delivering great services on Fiverr. Arguably also more important is your ability to create awesome gig image designs. that help catch the eye in the endless sea of sellers on Fiverr.

So spend some time thinking about what brand names you love and why you love them. Integrate those thoughts, and ideas into your own brand name and values. The rest will come through hard work and consistency.

the Secret Sauce For Choosing a Good Fiverr Username

good fiverr usernames come in all kinds of flavor
Here’s a saucy secret about Fiverr usernames: there’s plenty of great flavors to choose from!

Now you know that just about anything can be a good username with good branding, you should have come to another realization.

What is more important than trying to think of a Fiverr username? Creating your brand identity first.

Part of building a brand identity is knowing who your audience is. By taking the extra step to create a brand before you make your username, you’re actually creating the consistency, credibility, and expertise that people want to see.

At the same time, you’re also building the bedrock for your overall business and marketing strategy. If you know who you are, you know what to say and do.

People feel that.

Look at Fiverr. It probably hates its own username now (“why can’t I find anything for five bucks anymore? Jeez…”), but it’s doing everything it can to make itself go upmarket and find more upscale clients.

Branding can work with everything, but a good Fiverr username can just make everything much easier. Even for Fiverr itself!

Your Real Name Can Be a Good Fiverr Username

Fiverr username ideas
My name is Jesus. I look like Jesus. What if I call myself…. @fiverrjesus? Dangit, taken by an inactive account!

If you’re like I was and just starting out, you may think all this branding talk is overkill.

And yes, that’s fair. In fact, if you want, you can skip all of this and just use your own nickname or even your real name, like @johnsmith. Unless someone else has already done that (they have)!

One small thing to note: many people are bad with “weird names”. This usually translates into blankly looking at names from cultures and languages vastly different to their own and having no idea how to spell, never mind pronounce them.

In this case, your own name might not be the best. One thing you want your name to be is easy to remember and even to spell. You already know if it is or not. 

It’s unfortunate, but if you have a “difficult” name, I would recommend either choosing a brand name or playing with your name, abbreviating it and smushing it together until you find something that looks brandable.

Think JLo, Bennifer… celebrities and their fans do it all the time. You want something that, if we’re honest, English speakers can easily understand.

This definitely sucks, since there’s nothing wrong with your name, but the point is accessibility and building trust. Make it easy for your buyers to remember and find you. 

In the end, it’s up to you.

Women: Remember there are Always 🚨 Creeps 🚨

When I hear about Fiverr creeps creepin’, I always imagine that they look and act like the Childcatcher

As all women know, there are some real creeps out there. Fiverr does deal with them quickly which is great, but having them bother you on Fiverr can still be an upsetting experience. Putting your real name out there as a woman is your choice, but be aware that this may give creeps more information than you want them to have. 

This is particularly true if you offer services such as relationship advice, or something where you’re dealing with things a little more personally, even as a professional. Some people can take your kindness as affection. In the worst case scenarios, they won’t stop harassing you over their “bond”.

It’s also worth considering how easy it is to find your personal social media. One benefit of a brand is that you can keep your personal life separate from your professional life, keeping the creepy-crawlies away.

Whatever the creeps icky thing is – foot fetishists seem to love Fiverr – you don’t have to put up with it. Report them to Fiverr. But if your name makes it easy to find you off-Fiverr, things can be a little trickier to deal with. Prevention is always better than cure.

I know some attractive Fiverr sellers have deliberately made their profile pictures “uglier” to avoid creeps creeping. They still use their real name. They say this works, too.

It’s a sad fact, but one that you need to consider. Men may also experience this issue, but it is far rarer. Either way, anyone who is concerned about this should definitely not be using their real name as their Fiverr username.

Should you Choose a Niche-Related Username and ‘Expert’ It Up?

Fiverr usernames can be niched, but be careful

A lot of people will tell you to throw a keyword in there, like SEO Expert if that’s your thing. That’s dull and unoriginal. You’ll see plenty of Fiverr usernames like @expertwriter41. 

The next thing you’ll notice is that many of them probably aren’t experts (“@expartwriter”) who can’t even fake it until they make it.

Don’t tar yourself with the same brush!

Just avoid the whole ‘expert’ thing. It is a not a bad idea to refer to your niche, but you always want to keep it broad and somewhat generic to allow you to spread your wings. Words like ‘design’ and ‘media’ are broad, and even open the door for building an agency down the road.

After all, think about it. You’re going to be offering services in the form of gigs that clearly describe what you do and, ideally, showcase past examples of work. Let your work show people you are an expert and leave the door open for future career lane changes.

If you’re an SEO expert and that’s all you want to do and you know that 100% in your bones, ever, then yeah, go for it. But trust me, your bones may not be the best judge of where you’ll be in 20 years from now.

But if you branch off into say, Google Analytics, or might want to in future, you should think about niche using relevant adjectives or nouns, such as @analyticalmark. That’s a username that highlights analytics somewhat, but also leaves the door open for SEO analytics and all kinds of other potential analytical work. 

It also doesn’t hurt that Mark is a name and a noun. Some of the easiest to remember brand names out there are verb-nouns or noun-verbs. GoWrite. MediaGrow. You get the idea.

Why do these work? Well, if you can get the right combo, you’ve found a memorable username. If you really hit the ball out of the park, it can be catchy, too!

Why A Catchy and Unique Fiverr Username Works

should you have a fiverr username you love?
“If I stare like a maniac at this mirror long enough, maybe I’ll get an awesome Fiverr username idea! My jaw hurts….”

One thing your name should try to be is catchy. @SEOExpert42 might be super-dialed into the niche and keyworded, but it’s a complete loser for catchiness and uniqueness. He’s only the 42nd SEO expert!

This is where using your own name or creating a brand comes in handy. If you need to add a number because someone else got their first, drop it. It’s a loser.

You want something that potential buyers can remember if they want to come back to you later – if it’s something easy to remember and catchy like @beebooper, you’ll do a lot better than @SEOExpert42 (“darn it, what number was it? No, it’s not 12…”)

Now, you may be thinking that having a name like @beebooper isn’t great because, you know, that says nothing about your service. Unless you are, in fact, a person who boops bees.

But if you’re a creative, @beeboopermedia really does it all for you, together with an inbuilt obvious logo idea.

Ah, but you can build a brand around @BeeBooper, making it easy to find you anywhere. If a buyer types bee booper media fiverr on Google and you’ve made social media profiles and a website, he’s quickly going to find you and know all about you and your services. 

Both on and off-Fiverr. And you haven’t violated any of Fiverr’s Terms of Service, either.

SEOExpert42? Well, it’s bad enough on Fiverr, but on Google, you might as well be the invisible man. Stay away from generic keyword names and build a brand identity instead!

But What Makes a Fiverr Username Good?

finding the right fiverr username doesn't need to feel like this

First off, I know. Yikes. What was DALL-E 3 thinking with that image? I just asked it to make an emoji in a comic style with a little melty effect to represent how thinking of a good Fiverr username can be difficult.

I got this nightmare instead. You’re welcome.

As for the question, it’s one of those ‘how long is a piece of string?’ ones. There is no real right or wrong answer here. Branding is a creative endeavor, which means the answers are always going to be subjective.

Ultimately, that means everyone has different answers based on their own personal opinions and experience. Some common suggestions are:

  • Use a catchy Fiverr username
  • Use a unique Fiverr username
  • Use an easy-to-remember Fiverr username
  • Use a short Fiverr username
  • Use a keyworded username
  • Use a [insert thing here] Fiverr username

A lot of people say a lot of things – I’m covering them in this blog! Most of it is well-meaning or derisive of generic or foolish names. But one thing that everyone can agree on is the need for a brandable name that makes you easy to identify and find, over and over again. 

So that is fundamentally what makes a good Fiverr username. The rest is up to your personal choice and what aligns with your brand. Take your time to create a unique brand so you have a Fiverr username that stands out.

You only get one good shot at this on Fiverr! 

In other words, don’t overthink your Fiverr username, but instead focus on creating your brand identity and name. This is a much better use of your time!

In my opinion, your username will be your brand name on Fiverr and beyond. It doesn’t necessarily have to reflect your services, but it should be easy to remember and spell, and ideally not a generic or confusing username.

How to Easily Brainstorm a Great Fiverr Username

AI can help you to choose the best Fiverr username

If you’re struggling to come up with an amazing Fiverr username, then there is absolutely no shame in turning to ChatGPT or other AI solutions to give you a helping hand. In fact, I wish AI had been around to help me 10 years ago!

If ChatGPT can build out a full business plan for you, it can definitely spitball out some brand names if you decide not to use your real name as your Fiverr username. It’s not cheating – it’s brainstorming new Fiverr username ideas the easy way. Even the results aren’t all that great, you’ll get lots of ideas.

It’s really as simple as opening ChatGPT (or Google Bard, or Poe, or Claude, whatever you prefer) and talking to it. Tell it you want to start a business and to ask you for all the information it needs to help it give you a great brand name.

Take your time to answer those questions.

Then, after you’ve done that, you’ll get heaps of Fiverr username examples and ideas you can use. Of course, many of them might already be taken, but the cool thing about this tactic is that you’re saving a ton of time and also giving yourself plenty more ideas than you’d come up with alone. 

One free tool I’ve found incredibly useful for this process is Namelix. This basically does everything I told you above, but it’s organized already so you just type in a few details. It’s really designed for naming businesses and brands, but works great for Fiverr usernames, too.

One of my favorite features of Namelix is that it can check social media handle availability in one click, making branding that much easier because you can snap everything up in less than an hour. Unfortunately, it doesn’t check Fiverr, but you can do this fairly quickly by typing in to check availability.

This puts you so far ahead of other new freelancers on Fiverr that it’s crazy. And you can build up your social media presence as you wait for your first gig on Fiverr, too. Don’t make Fiverr your only source of income: always be hustlin’ out of Fiverr.

Wrap-Up: Choosing a Fiverr Username Doesn’t Need to Be Hard

how to select a fiverr username conclusion

If you focus on creating a brand where your username is simply your brand name, then creating a good Fiverr username is very easy. It just takes a little more work – but it’s work that pays off in multiple other areas of your business. The easiest way to build a brand is to use your own name.

Whichever route you choose to go down, it’s important that your brand name is backed up by professionalism and a sense of expertise. It should be easy to remember, and it could reflect what you do. By following the tips and strategies I’ve shared in this article, you can create a catchy and professional username that grabs attention and reflects your expertise without overthinking the “I need a cool Fiverr username” part of the process too much and focusing on sound business fundamentals instead.

Fiverr is just a tool for your business, not the be-all and end all of online freelance work. Approach this professionally and take care to build a business around your brand, and you’ll have something that just matches. With the help of AI, it’s easier than ever to do this. So why struggle suffer the fate of hundreds of thousands of Fiverr sellers – myself included! – who just typed in the first thing that sounded cool?

You got this. Now go snap up the name that was always destined for you and your brand! You might also want to check out my other free Fiverr Seller Guides, too. Get the complete skinny on creating a Fiverr profile that packs a Pro punch, even if you’re on day 1 of your freelancing career!

Defiant Phoenix

I'm Pro-Verified TRS seller who has sold more than 4,500 gigs on Fiverr since 2013. I specialize in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. My mission with Defiant Phoenix is to help freelancers and their clients to succeed on Fiverr with proven strategies for success.
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